Only good news!

remembrance day phone box museum with lighting

Welcome to a post that is only good news – I’m sure we could all do with some.

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who knitted poppies for us to display for Remembrance Day this year. There were lots more than we expected. They were all displayed for two weeks around Remembrance Sunday. We have kept them all so we can use them again next year.

We lit the phone box every night over the period and it looked fantastic. We’d like to use lighting more often, but it’s quite costly and not very environmentally sound to use regular battery power. We have some ideas about how we might recharge the lights via solar, but need some technical help to implement it. So if you or anyone you know has the knowledge and would like to help – please get in touch.

museum decorated for Remembrance Day, we need help with lighting
Museum decked out for Remembrance Day

It will be lit again for the Christmas period. We do like to be sustainable though, which is one of the reasons why our museum audio player is ‘powered by you’, you turn the handle, give it a bit of welly and the sound plays. Come and give it a go.

Sea Mills Book available to buy again

Secondly, we have reprinted the Sea Mills 100 book, just in time for Christmas. You can order online here for £8.50 including UK delivery. It is also available from the Cafe on the Square, Sea Mills for £6 and makes a lovely gift or even present to yourself.

Finally, there’s news on the proposed 5G mast on the square. This has been rejected again. The developer could of course appeal and try to wear us down. However we hope that this most recent rejection (the third) will prompt them to come up with a better solution to giving Sea Mills 5G coverage.

Sea Mills 100 on Shelf Life

The sea mills book

This week is Libraries Week 2021 so what better time could there be to talk about the Sea Mills 100 book on the Bristol libraries podcast Shelf life. The podcast also features some clips from the oral histories her have collected as part of the Sea Mills 100 project.

The podcast is available on all the normal platforms and can also be heard here;