Two events are currently planned one on 29th January 2020 and another on 26th February.

Our intergenerational event at the very start of the project in 2018 was a great success so we will be doing that again. A year 6 class from Sea Mills Primary School will be joining us to chat and find out what life was like in days gone by. They will make a display about what they find out which will be viewable at the public library and other local venues. The event for the children to gather people’s stories is at St Edyth’s Church on Wednesday 29th Jan 1.30pm – 3.30pm please come and join us and bring photographs or objects to inspire our conversation.
When we surveyed people at our last event the idea of talks about the history of Sea Mills was popular. In the first of these on Wednesday February 26th 2.30pm at Sea Mills Methodist Church Christine Molan will be telling us about the Roman history of Sea Mills and the port of Abona. In was Christine’s wonderful artwork which was on display during our Bristol Open Doors event in September.
Later in the year during March and April we will be helping people who have a connection with Sea Mills make life story books at Sea Mills Library and also hosting a talk about the salvage of the SS Great Britain.
All events are free and will include free tea / coffee and cake and are a great opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.
We always need volunteers to help at events so if you are available, get in touch by emailing