Lockdown in Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle

How have you been passing the time?

I’m sure we can’t wait for lockdown to be ancient history, it certainly must be a unique experience in all our lives. At Sea Mills 100 we thought it was something that needed documenting too as part of our history. What have you been doing to cope with the situation? How have you been passing the time? Are you working form home? Are you a Key Worker? Enjoying the garden? Home schooling your children? Starting a new hobby? Volunteering? Or just getting by? Send us your pictures or videos and we will include them here and / or on our social media to document this time in our lives.

New pictures added regularly to our new Covid-19 section please keep sending them in.

Please let us have your images and video to share – either email them to info@seamills100.co.uk or share them via one of our social media channels.