Take a virtual museum visit

The Sea Mills museum is currently closed, we have taken this decision because there is no access to hand washing facilities at the museum.

You can however see many of the exhibits from outside the phone box and we have also updated our virtual museum visit so that you can read the boards and listen to the audio online while we are closed.

Sea Mills Museum

We have also postponed our forthcoming events or have them on hold. We will be back just as soon as we can. In the meantime please do continue to contact us either via this website or our social media with your stories and photographs of our wonderful garden suburb.

Sea Mills 100 – the first year

The first year of the project seems to have flown by, so much has happened and there is still so much we could do! Remind yourself of the last year by watching our video.

We are continuing to record oral histories, collect photographs and create displays in the museum. We are in the process of collating information to upload here and also to the Bristol Know Your Place website which is a fantastic resource for Bristol’s heritage. We will also be running some more events in the new year, they’ll be a short book and a radio programme produced so watch this space!

If you would like to help or have memories or photographs to share please get in touch.

You can also join our mailing list or follow our social media to stay in touch.