We can see lots of sunflowers all over the estate at the moment. Many are from the free sunflower planting sessions we did earlier in the year. If yours is flowering why not send us a picture for the gallery?
Sea Mills Sunflowers 2019

Wouldn’t it be lovely if Sea Mills & Coombe Dingle was filled with happy sunflowers this summer as we celebrate 100 years of our special garden suburb?
When the estate was first built every house had a front garden with a smart hedge defining the boundary. Over the years the uniformity of the house frontages has been lost and it has been suggested that if this year as many of us as possible grow sunflowers it can highlight how special it is to have a front garden in a city.
Sunflowers are also wonderful for nature with both bees and birds benefiting from them. They are easy to grow, especially with children due to the size of the seed and a good how to guide can be found here.
Seeds are being given out at Sea Mills Primary and growing events at the community Allotment as well as Red Bus nursery and toddler groups at St Edyth’s Church. Other seeds can be purchased at Henleaze garden centre and most major supermarkets and DIY outlets.
There will be sunflower categories in this years Sea Mills Flower and craft show taking place in September.